In California, conservation is a way of life – and so is drought. With a climate marked by long cycles of intense dry conditions, it is up to all of us to make daily water efficiency a priority.
SGCWD has numerous programs to assist customers with saving water, and plans for the possibility that drought or a disaster such as a major earthquake could limit water supplies.
SGCWD offers many conservation resources to help our customers save water, including water-saving tips, rebates and educational resources. You can also find SGCWD’s supply planning documents below.
While California experienced above-average rainfall during the early months of 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-5-23 on March 24, 2023 to reduce, but not eliminate, emergency drought requirements.
Learn more about current drought conditions on the following websites:
U.S. Drought Monitor – California
California Emergency Conservation Regulations
Office of Governor Gavin Newsom
Governor Newsom Expands Drought Emergency Statewide, Urges Californians to Redouble Water Conservation Efforts
As Drought Conditions Intensify, Governor Newsom Calls on Californians to Take Simple Actions to Conserve Water
SGCWD is committed to keeping its customers up-to-date on current water use restrictions. We plan ahead for water shortages to ensure your water service remains uninterrupted, even in times of drought or other emergencies.
On Tuesday, April 11, 2023, the SGCWD Board of Directors declared a Stage 1 Water Supply Emergency. The measure is intended to cut water use by 10 percent system-wide. To help reach that goal, the following conservation measures are currently in effect:
- Potable water may not be used to clean driveways and other hard surfaces unless required for health or safety reasons.
- Hoses must have an auto-shutoff nozzle when used for watering landscapes or washing cars.
- Drinking water can no longer be used to fill, clean, or maintain ponds or other water features unless they have a recirculating system.
- Swimming pools and spas can be topped off, but draining and refilling pools, spas, or fountains is no longer allowed.
- Irrigation systems shall not be utilized within 48 hours of measurable rainfall.
- All indoor and outdoor leaks must be repaired within 72 hours of any notice provided by SGCWD.
- Irrigation systems must be maintained and adjusted as necessary to avoid any excessive runoff on streets and sidewalks.
Irrigation Schedule
Outdoor watering is now limited to two days per week. All watering must take place between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. according to the following schedule:
- Properties with EVEN-numbered addresses may only water on Mondays and Thursdays.
- Properties with ODD-numbered addresses may only water on Tuesdays and Fridays.
SGCWD’s Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) includes a Water Shortage Contigency Plan (WSCP) that outlines six stages of action in the event of a water shortage. The levels are designed to build upon each other and are based on the severity of the water supply shortage and its anticipated duration
See the table below and read the UWMP for more information
Shortage Level | Percent Shortage Range | Shortage Response Actions (Narrative Description) |
1 | Up to 10% | All watering outdoors for the purposes of irrigating landscape, lawns, etc., shall be limited to no more than two (2) days per week. All water users shall repair all leaks from indoor and outdoor plumbing and fixtures within seventy-two (72) hours after written notification by SGCWD unless arrangements are made with SGCWD. |
2 | Up to 20% | In addition to Shortage Level 1, application of potable water to outdoor landscapes during and within 48 hours after measurable rainfall is prohibited. |
3 | Up to 30% | In addition to Shortage Level 2, landscape or other outdoor watering and irrigation shall be limited to one (1) day per week. |
4 | Up to 40% | In addition to Shortage Level 3, there shall be no washing of cars or motor vehicles of any kind. |
5 | Up to 50% | In addition to Shortage Level 4, water from fire hydrants shall be used only for firefighting and public welfare activities. |
6 | >50% | In addition to Shortage Level 5, flushing of water mains will not be permitted except as necessary to protect the public health. |
Adopting new water-saving habits and upgrading to efficient appliances, landscaping and irrigation are some of the ways to increase conservation at home. To offset the cost of upgrades, SGCWD residential and business customers qualify for rebates from Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District.

Making simple changes in your daily routine can have a big impact on conservation and lower your water bill, too! Follow these tips to start saving water and money today!

Turn off the water while soaping up in the shower or washing your hands.
Turn off the water while brushing your teeth or shaving.
Limit showers to 5 minutes or less.
Install a low-flow showerhead.
Plug the bathtub before running water, then adjust the temperature as it fills.
Thaw your food in the fridge, instead of under running water.
Use the garbage disposal only when necessary.
Run the dishwasher and washing machine only when full. Running only full loads can save 1,000 gallons of water a month! If possible, adjust the water level on your washing machine to match the load size.
Check for leaks under sinks and around your dishwasher, refrigerator, and water heater. A puddle of water around appliances signals a leak. Repair dripping taps and running toilets.

Check for leaks under sinks and around your dishwasher, refrigerator, and water heater. A puddle of water around appliances signals a leak. Repair dripping taps and running toilets.
Water less in the winter.
Adjust the direction of sprinkler nozzles to avoid overspray.
Clear clogs in sprinkler heads for better flow and adjust pressure to ensure proper water distribution.
Use an auto shut-off spray nozzle on your hose.
Turn off sprinklers when it rains, is cloudy or windy.
Replace landscaping or plant new areas with native plants.
Install a weather-based irrigation system that adjusts automatically based on the weather.
Clean your driveways and sidewalks with a broom, not the hose.
Use a commercial car wash that recycles water.
Check for outdoor leaks around pipes, hoses and irrigation systems. Look for wet, soggy grass or puddles that form in the same areas outside.
Explore the following resources to discover more about where your water comes from, find water-saving tips and learn how to plant a waterwise garden.