The mission of San Gabriel County Water District is to provide high quality water for residential, commercial, industrial and fire protection uses that meets or exceeds all local, state and federal standards, and to provide courteous and responsive service at the most reasonable cost to our customers.


The San Gabriel County Water District was organized on November 12, 1921, followed by the first Board of Directors election in January 1922. The first meeting of the SGCWD Board was held the following month at the District’s office, then located at 538 West Mission Drive in San Gabriel.

Originally  created  to  serve  customers  in  the  City  of  San  Gabriel  and  some nearby unincorporated areas, the District later added portions of Rosemead and Temple City. The District is fortunate to be supplied by groundwater from the Main San  Gabriel  and  Raymond  Groundwater  Basins,  which  provides  a  reliable source for drinking water, even in times of drought. 

The District’s elected, five-member Board of Directors supervises the affairs and business of the District, approves and authorizes all expenditures of the District funds and establishes rates to be charged for water, and may, if necessary, levy taxes for the payment of District bonds or operating expenses.


9,569 water

45,000 people served

2,680-acre service area

3 reservoirs

storage capacity

6 active wells

82 miles of water mains


Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)

San Gabriel County Water District is transitioning to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), or “smart meters,” which will reduce costs and increase efficiency. 

The process of replacing older meters is expected to be complete by late 2021. 

AMI will provide SGCWD real-time information about water use, which can be used to quickly detect leaks. In the future, customers will be able to monitor water use online and receive alerts about potential water leaks, making it an important conservation tool. 

To ensure water is always available when you need it, SGCWD invests in upgrades throughout the delivery system to replace old pipes, improve water quality and reduce overall repair costs.

Here is a look at our current and recently completed projects:


SGCWD recognized for exemplary safety record

San Gabriel County Water District was commended recently by its insurance provider, Association of California Water Agencies Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA JPIA), for the low number of workers’ compensation, property and liability claims filed between 2016 and 2019.