The San Gabriel County Water District (District) will hold a public hearing on February 24, 2025, at 4:00 p.m. at the San Gabriel Mission Playhouse, 320 S. Mission Dr., San Gabriel, CA 91776, to consider adjusting the water rates and charges. If adopted, the new rates will be implemented on March 1, 2025, with each subsequent adjustment occurring on January 1st through calendar year (CY) 2029.
About the District
The District provides water service to approximately 45,000 customers, primarily in the City of San Gabriel, and portions of Rosemead, and nearby unincorporated areas of the County. The District is currently able to meet water demand using 100% local groundwater from the Main San Gabriel Basin and Raymond Basin. The District owns and maintains approximately 84 miles of pipelines, 3 reservoirs with 12.8 million gallons of storage capacity, 6 active wells, and services approximately 9,700 connections.
Reasons for the Proposed Rate Adjustments
The District’s costs to operate, maintain, and replace the water system continue to increase.
- Rising Costs: The District has not increased rates since CY 2019. As you have experienced, the price of supplies, materials, labor, insurance, and utilities has increased drastically in recent years, above expected inflation.
- Infrastructure Investments: Significant investments are required to maintain the District’s infrastructure. These projects allow the District to replace aging mainlines and pumps, optimize investment in local water supplies through a new treatment facility, and prepare for emergencies to ensure safe, reliable drinking water.
- Meet State Standards: Due to new State drinking water standards, groundwater must be tested and treated to a higher standard, which is more costly.
The District works continuously to provide high-quality water and excellent customer service at the most reasonable cost. Rates and charges cover only the cost of providing service to customers, including water treatment and delivery system maintenance and upgrades. As a special district, we are not legally allowed to make a profit. The District hired an independent consulting firm to develop a financial plan and perform a cost-of-service study. The proposed rates are based on this analysis which is detailed in the Rate Study Report available online at
Click here to read the rest of the Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Water Rate Adjustments.